Душанбе, Таджикистан
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On September 8, 2023, the award ceremony for iCode program graduates was held at the Serena Hotel. 64 girls successfully completed a three-month training and practice program in areas such as iOS and Android development, UX/UI design and QA testing.

iCODE is a social project aimed at training girls in the field of information technology. The main goal of the project is to eliminate gender inequality by stimulating and supporting girls and women who want to start their journey in the IT field.

Program celebrates successful completion
Before the closing ceremony, participants spent two weeks in groups developing MVPs (minimum viable products) of applications. All four areas (iOS, Android, UX/UI, QA) were combined, which contributed to the consolidation of not only the material covered, but also the development of communication and teamwork skills.

Representatives of local companies and potential employers attended the defense of the projects. As a result of the event, the participants and the Dushanbe IT community were able to establish business contacts and together discuss further improving the quality of IT education for girls in the country.

Director of American Space and Makerspace Dushanbe and co-founder of the program Nilufar Murodova said:

“The project exceeded all expectations, since instead of the expected 24, 64 girls successfully completed the courses and are now ready to enter the IT market. We hope that this program not only helped current participants, but also inspired other girls to express themselves in the tech field.”

Murodova also announced that the project is being extended for another year, and recruitment of new participants will be opened in 2024.

TechWomen graduate Nachiba Farosatshoeva and TechnoWomen Central Asia President Aziza Shuzheeva also spoke at the event. They shared educational and career opportunities for girls in Tajikistan and Central Asia.

Representatives of partner organizations emphasized that the iCODE program will continue its mission of creating opportunities for girls and women in the IT field and inspiring women to engage in information technology.

We wish success to the graduates and are confident that they will make a significant contribution to the development of the IT industry in Tajikistan.

This project was implemented with the support of the US Embassy in Tajikistan as part of the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF 2022). This is a prestigious grant awarded to graduates of US State Department programs. It was won by Global UGRAD and NEXT30 program graduate Nilufar Murodova.

All four leading edtech organizations in the country worked on the project: American Space Dushanbe, Alif Academy, Humo Lab and Ilmhona Skills Accelerator.